Speaking and facilitation
Rhizome Project @ New Museum: Internet Subjects (June 2014)
I’ve attended events as both a facilitator and panelist. I’ve spoken about citizen journalism and community engagement, creative storytelling and content distribution, labor in the peer economy, nuances of the “sharing economy."
Institute for the Future (July 2015)
U.S. Department of Labor (March 2015)
SXSWi (March 2015) - The Real Risks of “Keepin’ it Real”
Next American Economy @ Roosevelt Institute (January 2015, May 2015, February 2016)
Digital Labor 2014 @ The New School - The future of workers in the sharing economy, panelist (my talk, research provocations for digital labor, begins at 29:41)
Bay Area Video Coalition - Gig Union Town Hall A town hall to discuss a world where freelancing is the new normal (video)
Social Capital Markets Annual Conference - The Future of Work (panelist, September 2014)
PBS NewsHour -#NewsHourChats on Twitter - Subject matter expert about trust and the sharing economy (July 2014)
Rhizome Project @ New Museum - Internet Subjects: #Uberwars and the "Sharing Economy” (panelist, June 2014)
Personal Democracy Forum - Defining the “sharing economy” (panelist, June 2014)
SHARE 2014 - The Future of Work - plenary speaker (about 12:45 in video) and panelist (video) (May 2014)
Microsoft Research’s Fuse Labs - Tracing the Constellation of Actors in the Peer Economy (guest speaker, April 2014)
Boston Sharing Economy Conference - Private-public partnership discussion with panelists from the Boston Redevelopment Authority, ZipCar and People and Planet Holdings (facilitator, December 2013)
NPR’s 2013 Weekend in Washington - NPR Generation Listen session to bust myths about millennials in politics and work. Facilitated by NPR tech reporter Elise Hu (guest conversationalist alongside PolicyMic’s Chris Altchek, November 2013)
CIRANO workshop on networks in trade & finance - From serfing landlords to surfing the web: the co-evolution of technology and paradigms of work (presenter, October 2013)
2013 Awesome Foundation Summit - Infrastructure for the Hustle Economy (panel facilitator, October 2013)
2013 MIT-Knight Civic Media Conference - Ignite presentation about Postmarked
Filling the News Gap in Cambridge and Beyond – The most experimental storytellers: Citizen journalists (panel facilitator, May 2013)
Block by Block Community News Summit - Defining, Finding, and Engaging Your Audience (panelist) / Working with citizen contributors (facilitator), October 2011
Block by Block Community News Summit (blogger, October 2010 and 2012)
2011 Online News Association Conference – I screwed up (and you will, too!) (panelist, September 2011)
Knight Community Information Challenge Boot Camp – (speaker / trainer, September 2011)
Sunday Soup - Emcee, arts microgranting (July 2011)
Allied Media Conference – Pirate Box Commons – Mapping collective meaning through open technology and engagement (co-facilitator with Open Technology Institute, June 2011)
Reynolds Journalism Institute - The Engagement Metric (workshop participant, May 2011)
Rapid Growth Speaker Series – Community Brainstorm (panelist, May 2010)
Young Women Strong Leaders (arts and media panelist, April 2010)
Alliance for Community Media – Central States (speaker, October 2009)
And a few private speaking engagements (i.e., Code for America, Ideo.org)